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Learn the habits to change your life now 


Our Mission: To help our clients better understand their personal finances and financial life, while developing and maintaining good financial habits. Our Purpose: To work with clients in achieving their financial objectives and learning how to manage their money wisely. 

Key Points

Strategies to help out the everyday person


The purpose of a budget plan is to organize, track, and improve your financial situation. It is the foundation of building good financial habits. Budget plans help control spending, so you can consistently save and invest your income. 

Money Machine

Once a budget plan is established you can move on creating a money machine. The goal is to set aside money, and with that money, put it into assets that create passive income. Saving + Asset Investment = Passive Income.


The sooner the better. The 2023 Social Security projected average benefit for retired workers is $1,827/month, or $21,924/year. The average studio in New York costs $1,800. In this age, we require multiple sources of income to survive. `


What the Average American is going through

Share of Americans living paycheck to paycheck rises to 63%

CNBC Published Thursday, Dec 15 2022

that the average credit card balance for Americans in Q3 2022 is somewhere around $6,004.

Forbs Published Nov 29, 2022

56% of Americans can’t cover a $1,000 emergency expense with savings

CNBC Published, January 19 2022


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